Template-type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Michael P. Keane Author-Workplace-Name: University of Oxford and University of New South Wales Author-Email: michael.keane@economics.ox.ac.uk Author-Name: Nada Wasi Author-Workplace-Name: University of Michigan, Survey Research Center Title: Labour Supply: the Roles of Human Capital and the Extensive Margin Abstract: In this paper we specify and estimate a life-cycle labour supply model that expands on earlier work by simultaneously including human capital accumulation, saving and bequests, an active extensive margin, a realistic specification of the Social Security system, an accounting for private pensions and health expenditures, and a realistic specification of the progressive tax structure. By accounting for all these features, we develop new insights into how taxes affect life-cycle labour supply. For instance, we find that labour supply elasticities vary in important ways with age, education and the tax structure itself. We also show how human capital affects elasticities on the intensive vs. extensive margins. X-Classification-JEL: X-Keywords: Length: 48 pages Creation-Date: 2016-06-21 Number: 2016-W05 File-URL: https://www.nuffield.ox.ac.uk/economics/papers/2016/Keane_Wasi_Main_Text_Revised_2.pdf File-Format: application/pdf Handle: RePEc:nuf:econwp:1605